
A prize for schneider+schumacher

22.06.2017 - Awards

In an architectural competition entitled “Steinberg leben. Unser Zuhause” organised by the housing association ‘Baugenossenschaft Langen’, schneider+schumacher’s design has been awarded 2nd Prize. The housing association is planning to invest 12.5 million Euros in the construction of 86 apartments, and then intends to let these for a sum significantly lower than the rents currently charged for new residential buildings in Langen.

What impressed the jury was the way in which schneider+schumacher’s design managed to “create urban spaces with a variety of finely proportioned buildings that successfully merge into the surrounding urban fabric, and form a effective transition to the existing internal buildings.” The jury also praised the scheme’s “welcome differentiation in the type accommodation offered” and its “promising economic approach”.

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